Thank You

We appreciate the trust you have placed in our staff at The Surgery Center. We will make every attempt to honor that trust by providing the high-quality medical care you expect and deserve. We want your visit to be as pleasant as possible and welcome any comments or suggestions you may have.

You may contact the following :
  • Kim D’Ambrosia


  • Melanie Soo Hoo


    Director of Operations

If your concerns have not been addressed through the organization, the public may contact the Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring by either calling
1-800-994-6610 or emailing or by contacting the Department of Health, 510-620-3900.

Website for the Office of Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman:

Patients who are Medicare beneficiaries, or their representative or surrogates are informed that the role of the Medicare beneficiary Ombudsman is to ensure that
Medicare beneficiaries receive the information and help they need to understand their Medicare options and to apply their Medicare rights and protections.